Snorkel & Catamaran in Maldive Islands

Snorkel & Catamaran in Maldive Islands

Once you are installed in your chosen island-hotel of the Maldives, as soon as you take a bath in the coral beaches of the Indian Ocean you will notice thousands of fish around you, you will even be able to see stingrays and moray eels spontaneously in their natural environment. This experience is priceless, what you feel when you are alone snorkeling and discover these animals for yourself is decidedly better than paying for an excursion with 30 people around. It’s one of the things that impacted us the most about the Maldives, in addition to its dazzling hotel infrastructure, you will want to return to these places for sure.

We give you a tip to take the best photos: buy a 600ml bottle of soda and when you finish it, fill it with the leftover bread from your breakfast, before you go to snorkel fill the bottle with water in order to submerge it more easily. When you are snorkeling, lightly press the bottle and you will attract thousands of little fishes to your position. By feeding them, you will be able to make close-ups of their beautiful colors. They are going to love you and your photos are going to be amazing!


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