Devil’s Cake

Devil’s Cake

Made by the Pastry Chef Sol Arceo

Devil’s Cake is called this way in contrast to Angel cake, both have a North American origin. Devil’s Cake is made with dark chocolate while Angel Cake is made with white chocolate. The photo does not lie, it’s truly a delight for the senses. We invite you to do it at home!


Moist chocolate dough:

– 3 Eggs

– 175gr Butter

– 400gr Black sugar

– 100gr Unsweetened cocoa

– 280gr All purpose flour

– 10 gr Baking soda

– 185gr Milk

_ 185gr Hot coffee

– Vanilla essence

Chocolate cream:

– 400gr Cream

– 250gr Dark chocolate

– 100gr Creamed butter


  1. For the wet dough, beat the butter with the sugar until you have a pale brown cream.
  2. Add the eggs and the essence, emulsify well.
  3. Add the flour, the baking soda and the cocoa alternating with the milk and the coffee. Mix until you have a smooth, lump-free consistency.
  4. Place in an 18cm mold prepared with vegetable spray and cook in a medium preheated oven at 160° C until firm. Let it cool down before slicing.
  5. For the chocolate cream, bring the cream to a boil and add to the chopped chocolate. Leave it 5 minutes so the chocolate can melt. Mix well and add the creamed butter. Refrigerate and beat for 3 minutes with a mixer.
  6. To assemble the cake, slice the chocolate sponge cake into 4 layers. Fill with the chocolate cream and cover the sides and surface with the same cream. Finish with crumbs of the same wet dough.
  7. Enjoy it!

SOL ARCEO studied professional Bakery and Pastry at the Gato Dumas School, works as a Pastry teacher and provides delicious cakes & chocolates at special events. She specializes in cake decorating, avant-garde chocolate, French pastry and nutrition. Follow Sol on Instagram and Facebook.

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