Fish with vanilla & white wine sauce

Fish with vanilla & white wine sauce

If you want to experience new recipes to cook a good fish, you must try this alternative!


– 500 gr Fish Filet

– 200 gr. Flour

– 30 gr. Butter

– 1 Vanilla bean

– 1/2 Cup of cream

– 1/2 Cup of coconut milk

– 1/2 cup of white wine

– 5 Cloves of garlic

– 1 Onion

– Salt and pepper

– Potatoes or rice and salad as a garnish


– Flour the fillets. A little trick to avoid filling the whole kitchen with flour and not getting floured yourself, is to place the flour in a clean supermarket bag and introduce the fillets one by one to flour them).

– Melt the butter in a pan and brown the fillets on both sides.

– Cut the onion and garlic into brunoise (very small pieces). Brown them in butter in a saucepan, add the white wine, the cream, the coconut milk, the vanilla bean and its scraped interior content.

– Let it reduce until the sauce is thicker and the alcohol of the wine evaporates.

– Serve the fillets with rice or potatoes and salad as a garnish. Pour the sauce over the fish.

– Enjoy this excellent recipe!

PAIRING: We suggest enjoying this dish with a Riesling white wine.

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