Art Designer dream life

Art Designer dream life

In this interview to Gonzalo Aldana, Graphic Designer, Creative & Street Artist (1984) we will discover that it’s possible to live our lives in a different way, completely out of the matrix. Gonzalo has being living his goal for 4 years: traveling around the world and doing what he loves. He shares with us his unique experience and his awesome work.

  1. Why did you choose this style of life?  Well, to be honest I had a dream, a crazy dream about death and life, existence and time and I feel it changed my life: I realized we have only one opportunity to exist!  And when I started asking myself the right questions, if I was fully happy with my life the answers was no, so I decided to leave Mexico City (job, business and ex relationship) to live a more simple life in the beach. Then I met a lot of people from all around the world visiting my country, and it was fascinating for me our differences of culture, society, traditions and languages… So definitely I developed an uncontrollable impulse of go out to see with my own eyes how is life in other sides of the planet…. And finally I started the adventure! 
  2. Which are the benefits of this way of living?  Benefits are definitely the freedom, the happiness and that I can keep making some money on the road to continue traveling. 
  3. Please mention the bad things about the nomad life Bad things about to be a nomad could be maybe to say goodbye too often to awesome people that you meet on the road. And even if the social media keeps alive the contact it’s sad always to say goodbye.  
  4. What do you miss from your country? I miss the food!!! My family! and the party!  
  5. In which countries had you leave your artistic imprint? Malta, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel,  Egypt, India, Indonesia, Cook Islands 
  6. How do you promote your services? It depends, sometimes online with platforms like Workaway or Helpx, some times in local community Facebook pages, and sometimes going personally with my black book  to offer it.  
  7. Do you think it is important to have a health service, credit card and retire insurance? Yea, its very important 
  8. How do you choose your next destination?  Following the cheap flights, or if I feel very curious about something of the culture of the next country.  
  9. From which source you get inspiration? Nature, culture,  and I love to mix realistic characters with bright colors, patterns, symbols and geometric figures. 
  10. Can you tell us which was your most challenge work? In Cook Islands, it’s very difficult to paint big metallic containers. Also, there are some walls under the sun and to paint them it takes all day long from 9am to 7pm, so the heat its very challenging. 
  11. What is your next dream? I want to open a backpackers hostel in Mexico. 
  12. Which was the most fulfilling experience around the word? Owww plenty! The good vibes of the people, the beautiful and kind supporting words, the freedom of doing what I love to do, marveling my eyes with all the different landscapes… the friendships, parties and love! 
  13. What would you recommend to the trapped creatives behind a desk in a full time position?  Well I strongly believe that we have only one chance of existing, and we have to follow our inner voice because it’s the voice of our soul and never lies! In this modern times there are many options to become a digital nomad or freelancer or simply just follow and let pop out your natural creativity… Definitely I believe that the most important things in life are “Time”, “Freedom” and “Happiness”.  Pursuit the quality of time every single moment every day, the freedom about doing what you want to do and not just what you have to…and of course when you ask yourself in the morning if you are happy, your honest answer is yes!   

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