Chocolate chips cookies

Chocolate chips cookies

Made by the Pastry Chef Sol Arceo

If you are addicted to chocolate like us, try these incredible Chocolate Cookies. Let’s prepare them!


(the recipe yields 15 cookies of 30gr each)

– 120gr Self-rising flour

– 120gr Sugar

– 1 Egg

– 60gr Butter

– 60gr Milk Chocolate

– 150gr Chocolate Chips (can be semi bitter, white or a mixture of both)


– Weigh the ingredients. In pastry, it’s very important to respect the correct measurements.

– Melt the butter and the chocolate until completely integrated.

– Add the sugar and the egg, mix well.

– Incorporate the self-rising flour with a spatula until you have a semi-fluid dough. Cool down for 20 minutes so the chocolate and butter recover structure and shape.

– Make balls, the ideal is to weigh them so they are the same size and the cooking is even. Place them on a plate with baking paper well separated.

– Finish with the chips on top of each cookie.

– Cook in a pre-heated medium oven at 170 °C until they have expanded and cracked (8 to 10 minutes for the indicated size).

– Let cool down on the plate to prevent breakage.

IMPORTANT: Do not overcook them. Remember that the dough has chocolate and if it burns, it will be bitter (and very hard!).

SOL ARCEO had study Professional Bakery & Pastry at the Gato Dumas School, she works as a Tutor of Pastry and providing delicious cakes & chocolates for special events. Specialised in cake decorations, avant-garde chocolaterie, french pastry and nutrition. Follow Sol at Instagram and Facebook

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