Baggage check list

Baggage check list

  • Post category:TRAVELS
  • Reading time:3 mins read

When you go on a trip it’s essential to make the correct planning of your baggage. If you forget something that you need, probably you will lose one entire day of your holidays looking for the item in a new country, if you are able to find it. Besides the medicines are very expensive in other places and the pharmacies refuse to sell the drugs unless you have a valid prescription in their country, so avoid all those inconvenient situations taking with you all needed. Even if they are not valid in other countries, we recommend taking your prescriptions with you in case you must prove to the customs what kind of pills are you taking.

When you are doing your travel bag, you need to keep in mind the weather at your destination and the activities that you will do. It’s also crucial that you don’t bring unnecessary things that will force you to fight with heavy luggage and pay extra weight to the airline. Remember to leave some empty space to place your purchases. We help you with a general check list, so you don’t forget anything.  

– Toothbrush / Paste / Pick
– Shampoo/ Soap
– Deodorant
– Shaving machine/ Foam
– Sunscreen/ Post solar gel
– Contact lenses/ Liquid
– Body/ Facial cream
– Repellent
– Tissues
– Bruxism plate
– Gel alcohol
– Perfume
– Scissor/ Nail pliers
– Medicine you are taking
– Medicine you could need
– Sewing kit
– Cocoa butter lipstick
– Exfoliating sponge
– Hair brush/ Hair clips
– Conditioner
– Styling cream/ Oil
– Make-up
– Wipes / Tampons
– Nail Polish/ File/ Polish remover
– Tweezers
– Swimwear
– Flip flops
– T-shirts
– Shorts
– Sleep wear
– Socks
– Underwear
– Hoodie
– Sneakers
– Long pants
– Rain jacket
– Jacket
– Boots
– Trekking clothing
– Skirt
– Dress
– Stilettos
– Pareo
– ID/ Passport/ Visa
– Vaccines certificate/ Travel insurance
– Driving license/ Priority Pass
– Money/ Credit cards / Travel budget
– Tickets/ Online vouchers/ Pen
– Sunglasses/ Glasses
– Cell phone/ Charger cable
– Hand Bag
– Power adapter
– Blinder
– Map / Travel Guide
– Thermal bag
– Lantern
– Padlock
– Purse
– Bijouterie
– Laptop
– I-Pad with E-books
– Camera / SD card
– Go Pro/ Selfie stick
– Swimming glasses/ Flippers/ Snorkel
– Book / Magazine
– Snack
– Small beverage

Keep in mind that you need to check with the airline what kind of things you can or you can’t take in your hand luggage. Normally you are not allowed to take liquids of more than 100ml and sharp objects, so you don’t place those items in your hand luggage.

Depending on your accommodation, if the towels and sheets are not included you should bring your own linen, towels and beach towels. Ask yourself before preparing everything: I am going to a fancy restaurant? Am I going to a high mountain with a lower temperature? I will rent a bicycle or make some exercise? The clothes that you are going to choose will depend on that. If you are going to a camping, the list will be totally different. You need to imagine your activities to think what you will carry with strategy. Good luck!

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