What are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and fibre good for?

Macronutrients are the substances that we need to incorporate through our diet in relatively large quantities to meet the body's needs. There are three: carbohydrates; proteins and fats. Micronutrients (also known as oligonutrients) are the substances that we need to incorporate in smaller amounts, but they are still essential for the fulfillment of organic functions. Micronutrients are of two types: vitamins and minerals. See Importance of minerals for your organism, functions of the water-soluble vitamins and functions of the fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamins and minerals mostly fulfill regulatory functions in processes and metabolism. CARBOHYDRATES They are responsible for providing energy to the body to carry out the vital functions of metabolism and muscular system. They provide 4 kilocalories per gram. By incorporating carbohydrates into meals, the body can use proteins for…

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What are the Foodborne diseases? Know how to avoid them to take care of your family

Foodborne Diseases are very dangerous to human health, some of them can cause permanent damage and even death. For this reason, it's very important to know them and practice all possible prevention procedures. In this article, food science explains what are the main food-borne illnesses are and how we can prevent infection. It's important to know the particularities of different diseases and pathogenic microorganisms to which we are exposed in order to take the necessary preventive measures. Good practices imply knowing at what temperature we should cook to eliminate the risks, what is the validity of each type of food, in what way we should defrost them and keep them in conditions for consumption. As pathogenic microorganisms often do not alter the colour, odour and characteristics of food, we need…

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How to prevent food contamination?

Bromatology is the science that studies food, raw materials, nutritional composition, preparation, handling and conservation. The main objective is that the food reaches the consumer without contaminants that can cause harm to their health. The improper handling, conservation and cooking of food in our homes can cause serious illnesses and even the death of our loved ones. For this reason, it's extremely important to learn how to prevent contamination. FOOD CONTAMINATION Food is contaminated when it contains foreign substances. This contamination can be of three types: - Physics: Presence of objects in our food. For example, metal from a sponge, glass, wood chips, hair, buttons, nail polish, plastics, dirt, nails, or insects. - Chemistry: Presence of chemical substances in our food. For example, sodium hypochlorite and other cleaning products, caustic…

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Goodbye Diets!

Did you know that traditional diets are the biggest health failure of the 20th century? How many types of diets do you know? How many did you try? Unfortunately, traditional strategies that focus on rapid weight loss are not able to improve behaviour, they do not allow us to maintain a healthy weight over time and they do not teach us to face our emotions. The effect of the lack of food generates an intense desire to eat, so the body can recover the lost energy. Consuming less than the necessary calories to survive represents a threat. If we stop eating properly, to compensate, the body reduces energy expenditure and increases hunger. What advice does the nutritionist María Conti give us? Organize your food schedule: Take your time to eat…

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Importance of the minerals for your organism

Minerals are inorganic substances and like vitamins, they are essential to have a healthy body. Since our body is unable to produce endogenously, we must incorporate them through food and beverages They intervene in various processes such as the formation of bones, teeth, the production of hormones and even in the composition of the blood. MACROMINERALS We require more than 100mg per day of macrominerals. Calcium - Intervenes in cardiac and muscle contractions. - Promotes blood clotting. - It's essential in the formation of bones and teeth. - It's involved in the transmission of the nerve impulse and protects the central nervous system. - Participates in the production of hormones. - Its consumption in childhood, adolescence, pregnancy and lactation is essential because it intervenes in healthy growth. Its deficiency causes…

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