Importance of the minerals for your organism

Importance of the minerals for your organism

Minerals are inorganic substances and like vitamins, they are essential to have a healthy body. Since our body is unable to produce endogenously, we must incorporate them through food and beverages They intervene in various processes such as the formation of bones, teeth, the production of hormones and even in the composition of the blood.


We require more than 100mg per day of macrominerals.


– Intervenes in cardiac and muscle contractions.

– Promotes blood clotting.

– It’s essential in the formation of bones and teeth.

– It’s involved in the transmission of the nerve impulse and protects the central nervous system.

– Participates in the production of hormones.

– Its consumption in childhood, adolescence, pregnancy and lactation is essential because it intervenes in healthy growth.

Its deficiency causes muscle weakness, cramps, growth retardation in children (rickets) and osteoporosis in adults (brittle bones). For the absorption of calcium, the body must have vitamin D.

Foods with Calcium: meats, dairy (milk, yoghurt, butter, cheeses, cottage cheese), fish, shellfish, soy, green leafy vegetables (spinach), legumes, sunflower seeds, nuts (peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, dried figs, walnuts, dates and raisins), egg yolk and water.


– It’s relevant for the structure of the nervous system and for the cell metabolism (obtaining of energy).

– Helps in growth because it participates in the mineralization of bones and teeth.

– Prevents tooth decay.

– It’s important for memory conservation.

– Intervenes in the functioning of the kidneys.

– Promotes the formation of breast milk.

– It’s part of the DNA and RNA that transfer genetic information.

– It’s part of cell walls.

– Collaborates in the activation of enzymes.

As in the case of calcium, vitamin D and C are required for the proper absorption of phosphorus. Its deficiency produces muscle weakness, blood disorders, kidney disorders, growth retardation in children (rickets) and osteoporosis in adults (brittle bones).

Foods with phosphorous: Seaweed, dried fruits (walnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, almonds and hazelnuts), legumes (lentils, beans and soybeans), fish, poultry, pork and beef, milk, cheese, eggs, whole grains, seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, corn, amaranth and quinoa).


– Promotes the correct formation of bones, teeth, cartilage and tendons.

– Contributes to the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction.

– It’s anti-stress, calming the nervous system.

– Protects the circulatory system.

– Intervenes in the maintenance of cardiovascular health.

– Participates in energy metabolism, in the activation of enzymes that release glucose.

– It favors the formation of proteins.

Its failure causes tetany (muscle spasms), cramps, weakened muscles, seizures, decreased appetite, and irritability.

Foods with magnesium: Milk, liver, red meat, whole grains and their derivatives (wheat, oats, barley, whole wheat bread), nuts, rice wholemeal, lettuce, spinach, potato, banana, avocado, lentils, beans, corn, grapes, cucumber, peach, pineapple, pumpkin, asparagus, coriander, chives, spearmint, dark chocolate, dried figs. grapefruit, lemon and seeds (pumpkin, sesame, quinoa, watermelon, flax).


– It’s an electrolyte, regulates the presence of water inside and outside the cells.

– It’s essential in growth.

– It’s involved in the production of proteins.

– It’s important in muscle contraction.

– It’s involved in the transmission of nerve impulses.

– Collaborates in the permeability of the membranes.

– It’s involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates.

Its deficit generates muscle weakness, tachycardia, abdominal distention and mental confusion.

Foods with potassium: Meats, nuts, vegetables, broccoli, potatoes, corn, fruits (banana, strawberry, kiwi, melon, citrus fruits such as lemon, orange or grapefruit); tomato; plums, raisins, apricots, fish, bean sprouts, whole grains, legumes (beans, soy, lentils, broad beans), milk and their derivatives.


– This mineral is important in heart function.

– Regulates blood pressure and blood volume.

– It’s an electrolyte, regulates the water balance in cells.

– It’s involved in muscle and nerve function.

– It’s part of the bones.

Most of the population consumes more salt than recommended. When the kidneys fail to eliminate this excess, high blood pressure and fluid retention are the consequences. Its deficiency causes nausea, mental confusion, weakness, circulatory disturbances, dehydration and muscle cramps.

Foods with sodium: table salt, processed foods, cold cuts and almost all foods in their natural state: milk, beets, celery, even drinking water.


– It is an electrolyte together with potassium and sodium, all three participate in the osmotic balance (concentration of substances and water in cells).

– It intervenes in the digestive processes, it’s part of the acid necessary for digestion.

It was used during World War I as a chemical weapon and is currently used to make water drinkable. One of the symptoms of its deficit is loss of appetite.

Foods with chlorine: It’s part of table salt and chlorinated water.


– Participates in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates for their transformation into energy.

– It’s a component of hormones, proteins and vitamins.

– Helps in oxygenation of the brain and tissues.

– Promotes the proper functioning of insulin.

– Helps vitamin B to maintain the health of the nervous system.

– Participates in the synthesis of collagen, a protein that is part of the skin, bones, tendons and ligaments.

– Participates in blood clotting.

– Helps reduce free radical damage, attacks harmful bacteria and prevents premature skin aging.

The consumption of tobacco decreases the intestinal absorption of sulfur. Since ancient times, thermal baths with sulfur have been practiced for their medicinal properties with beneficial effects on the skin, nails, muscles and stress. Its deficiency can cause growth retardation, weakening of the skin and connective tissue, a component of skin, bones, tendons and ligaments.

Foods with sulfur: Meats, fish, dairy, cheese, eggs, legumes, garlic, onion, asparagus and nuts.


We need less than 100 mg per day of microminerals.


– It’s essential for the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells that transport oxygen throughout the body.

– It’s part of the process of cellular respiration and oxygen storage at the muscular level.

– It’s very important in DNA synthesis and collagen formation.

– Increases resistance to diseases.

Its deficiency is quite common especially in women due to menstrual bleeding and during pregnancy, because it’s transmitted to the baby which generates a deficit in the mother. Its low levels cause iron deficiency anaemia (generalized weakness, paleness, irritability, poor performance, fatigue, possibility of premature birth), immune disorders and loss of enzyme activity. The absorption of this mineral decreases with substances such as coffee, red wine or fibres, and with the presence of diarrhoea.

Foods with iron: liver, red meat, blood sausage, chicken, kidney, mussels, eggs, fish (especially those with dark meat), legumes, green vegetables and whole grains (wheat germ, oats, barley).


– It’s involved in almost all the maintenance and regulation systems of the body.

– It’s the component of some enzymes and is involved in protein hydrolysis.

– It favors the production of lymphocytes that are vital in the immune system.

– Helps in wound healing.

– It’s involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA.

– Activates hormones, is essential in the development of sexual organs and fertility.

– It favors the maintenance of the cell structure.

– It’s essential for the proper functioning of the sense of smell and taste.

– It’s involved in the formation of insulin and other proteins.

Its deficit generates growth defects, intestinal absorption defects, dwarfism, dermatitis, diarrhoea, hair loss, hypogonadism (alterations in sexual characteristics), decreased sense of taste and smell, anaemia, tiredness and slow healing.

Foods with Zinc: Wheat germ, meat, fish, dairy, legumes, eggs, dried fruits (walnuts) and oysters.


– Controls bone and dental structures.

– Prevents tooth decay, forms and strengthens tooth enamel.

Its lack generates dental cavities and osteoporosis

Foods with Fluorine: Fluorinated waters, tea, coffee, fish, shellfish, legumes, bean sprouts and leafy vegetables according to the richness of the soils (spinach, cabbage, lettuce).


– It is essential in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

– Facilitates growth.

– Helps burn fat accumulated in our body

– Improves mental agility.

– Intervenes in neuromuscular processes.

The alteration in its levels can cause hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism with its consequent alterations in metabolism. Its deficiency generates goitre, a disease characterized by the excessive growth of the thyroid gland, which prevents it from synthesizing the hormone thyroxine. It also generates alterations in physical and mental growth in children. Some vegetables contain substances that hinder the action of iodine, especially if eaten raw: cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, etc.

Foods with Iodine: Fish, shellfish, iodized salt, seaweed, fruits, vegetables, milk and its derivatives.


– It’s involved in general growth and in the formation of red blood cells.

– It’s essential to assimilate and use iron.

– It’s required to produce energy since it participates in the degradation of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.

– It’s involved in the assimilation of vitamin C by the body.

– Collaborates in the maintenance of bone structure.

– Participates in the integrity of the central nervous system.

– Regulates enzymatic activities.

– Participates in the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells.

Its deficiency causes anaemia, osteoporosis, depigmentation, alterations of the central nervous system, grey hair and mineral loss, although it is very rare

Foods with copper: Liver, organ meats, legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans), whole grains and their derivatives, nuts, shellfish, plums and raisins.


– Helps in the prevention of osteoporosis

– It’s involved in the synthesis of fatty acids.

– It’s involved in the synthesis of sex hormones.

– It’is essential to assimilate vitamin E.

– Strengthens memory.

– Essential in the formation of cartilage.

– Decreases irritability and fatigue.

Manganese deficiency can cause sterility problems, vertigo, hearing loss and bone disorders.

Foods with manganese: green leafy vegetables, cabbage, beets, spinach, fruits (blueberry, pineapple), whole grains, brown rice, nuts, legumes (peas, lentils, soybeans), meats, spices (black pepper ), tea, milk and their derivatives.


– It’s an antioxidant, helps fight cell aging, prevents diseases such as cancer and others that cause cell damage.

– Improves the elasticity of tissues.

– It’s anti-inflammatory.

– Prevents osteoporosis.

– Improves fertility in men by increasing semen production and sperm motility.

– Relieves menopausal discomfort

– Stimulates the nervous system and protects against the action of heavy metals.

Its deficit causes bleeding, premature aging, blood and pancreatic disorders and muscle problems.

Foods with selenium: meat, fish, eggs, chicken, shellfish, pine nuts, seaweed, sea salt, garlic, mushrooms, radishes, mushrooms, cereals Integrals and their derivatives.

The body also has other minerals such as cobalt, tin, vanadium, nickel and silicon that have important actions in the maturation of red blood cells, the metabolism of fats, hormones and the growth of bones.

As we concluded in the article about vitamins, a balanced diet will cover all the needs of your body. The same applies to minerals, you must incorporate all the food groups into your diet to have the minerals required by your body.

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