Homemade Flan

Homemade Flan

This recipe is a classic of Latin America, but it comes from ancient Rome. It’s delicious and very easy to prepare. Let’s go for it!



– 6 Eggs

– 750 ml Milk

– 1 Tablespoon of vanilla extract

– 150 gr Sugar (can be replaced by half can of condensed milk if you wish)


– 6 Tablespoons of sugar

– 4 Tablespoons of water


– First, you must make the caramel: If you are going to use a large mold for your flan, you can make the caramel in the same mold that you are going to use for the oven. Mix the sugar and the water in the mold, place it over low heat without stirring until the caramel takes colour. If the heat is not even, you have to move the pan. If you are using individual molds, you can make the caramel in a saucepan and pour the content over the individual molds.

IMPORTANT: Do not overcook and burn the caramel, because it turns bitter. If you see that it is too dark and it started to evaporate, you better throw it away and do it again because it will ruin your flan.

– To prepare the flan, mix the eggs with the sugar and beat well until integrated.

– Add the milk and beat again to combine with the eggs and the sugar.

– Pour the preparation over the caramel.

– Put the mold in the oven inside a roasting pan with water at medium temperature until the flan is coagulated (you will notice it because it will stop being liquid, it only moves a bit in the centre). You can also do it in a bain-marie on the stove, covering the mold with aluminium to concentrate the heat.

– Wait for it to cool down and put the mold in the fridge for at least 5 hours.

– To unmold, it may be necessary to carefully run a knife around the edges and heat a bit over the fire if necessary. Unmold on a deep plate and it’s ready to serve.

– Enjoy your flan!

To this flan base recipe, you can add dark chocolate, cinnamon or coconut to make it flavoured. It can be served with dulce de leche, cream or caramel and garnished with red berries and mint if you wish.

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