Galician pie

Galician pie

This recipe is of Spanish origin, from the Galicia area. Its name in Spanish is empanada, but normally in the rest of the world, this type of preparation is known as tuna pie.


– Puff pastry

– 200 gr. Tuna

– 2 Onions

– 1 Red bell pepper

– 1 Green bell pepper

– 20 ml Olive Oil

– 20 gr. Olives

– 2 Gr. Paprika

– 2 Tomatoes concassées

– 1 Egg

– 15 gr. Parsley


– Make the boiled egg and reserve.

– Cut the peppers and onion into brunoise.

– Sauté peppers and onion until tender. Add the tuna and tomato concassé and mix.

– Cut the olives into a rondelle and add them to the filling together with the chopped egg.

– Season with salt, pepper, paprika and chopped parsley.

– Line the pan with the puff pastry, fill and place the other lid on top.

– Close the edges well and make a hole in the center so the cooking vapors can be released.

– If a brighter finish is desired, paint with beaten egg.

– Bake at 180 degrees.

– When it’s golden brown, it’s ready to eat.

– Enjoy it!

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