Red wine risotto

Red wine risotto

This recipe is typically from the north of Italy, delicious and easy to prepare. Risotto is usually made with very starchy rice such as carnaroli, arborio, or vialone nano.


– 1 Cup of carnaroli rice

– 1 Onion

– 1 Red capsicum

– 6 cloves of garlic

– 100 gr. Mushrooms

– 1/2 Cup red wine

– 2 Cups of broth

– Salt and pepper

– 80 gr. Butter

– 100 gr. Grugere or Parmesan cheese

– Fresh parsley, green onion and / or basil to decorate


– Cut the vegetables into brunoise (very small pieces), except the mushrooms that should be cutted into slices.

– Place half of the butter in a wok or saucepan and add the vegetables to sauté them. Season with salt and pepper.

– Add the rice and stir until it’s slightly transparent. You have to be careful at this point not to brown the rice because if you seal its pores, then it will not cook properly.

– Deglaze by adding the red wine and stir until the alcohol has evaporated. You will realize because you stop feeling the alcoholic vapours of the wine.

– Add the broth little by little as the rice becomes hydrated.

– Stir constantly so the rice releases its starches and the risotto comes out creamy. Cooking takes approximately 18 minutes.

– Once the rice is cooked, remove it from the heat and add the grated cheese and the rest of the butter.

– Garnish with fresh parsley, green opnions or basil.

– You can add chili sauce to give it a touch of color and a spicier flavor if you like.

– Done! Enjoy your delicious risotto!

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