Riding a motorcycle brings benefits to physical and emotional health

Riding a motorcycle brings benefits to physical and emotional health

Much has been said about the practical benefits of riding a motorcycle. Those that are measured with graphs and statistics, such as how quickly you can arrive at a place, how much we save on fuel and the significant difference in pollution levels in comparison to a car, but we all know that those are not the only benefits of traveling by motorcycle. Those who ride as we do knows that there are many other and more significant benefits, among them, the inexplicable passion and adrenaline that they awaken.

Traveling by motorcycle not only brings practical benefits, it also brings benefits to physical and emotional health. Speaking of the emotional, I am sincerely convinced that few therapies are equal to a pleasant motorcycle ride; one of those that really makes you forget about problems and worries, a few things gives you that feeling of control of your life, freedom and peace. We could delve into more details of the almost indescribable sensations of a true motorcycle enthusiast, but bikers know that feeling very well and will understand it.

On the other hand, riding a motorcycle requires certain mental agility, but there are few daily practices that allow you to develop that skill. However, when you ride a motorcycle you have to be focused and at the same time to be aware of everything because it is your physical integrity that you bet to the game and simply for survival, the body is put in a state of alert and makes your reflexes to be at 100%. Studies show that a person who has traveled by motorcycle for a long time in his life maintains a more agile mind and is awake even at an advanced age.

And finally, there are the physical benefits that may be more obvious, since motorcycling is also a totally recognized sport, but even if you are not a motocross rider, when you pilot a motorcycle of any kind, you also exercise, remember that motorcycles are moved with our body and that it is necessary to apply strength and muscle tone.

So if you’re still looking for excuses to buy a motorcycle, here are a few more to add to the long list.

We wanted to leave you some useful advice, which we insist that you consider, such as avoiding overconfidence, and with that basic tip, we assure you that you will fully enjoy riding.

There are frequent mistakes of a biker who has just bought a motorcycle; they are very common because of that excitement and rush to have it. Definitely, the purchase of your first motorcycle is always something so exciting that very important details are frequently missed and can affect your safety or your motorcycle.

Here are some very important points to consider:

1) Read the manual of your motorcycle.

We know it’s boring, and we rarely take the time to do it. However, you will realize a thousand important things that you have to consider. Remember that each motorcycle is different and the advice you receive from another biker may not be the best for you. You will find important details such as maintenance schedule, pressure and type of your tire, maintenance and much more. So we highly recommend it and if you don’t have it for some reason you can download it from the internet.

2) Protective equipment.

Having the protective equipment is not something that you can leave for tomorrow, and much less if this is the first time you have a motorcycle or the first large motorcycle. Therefore, before you go out to test that engine, we recommend that, as a minimum, you should buy a helmet (with the correct certifications), gloves, boots and a protective jacket.

3) Not knowing the traffic regulations.

The traffic regulations in each country or state is different, inform yourself, and you will save some money in fines and risks.

4) Do not seat the engine.

This is one of the most common and serious mistakes you can make against your new toy. Failure to seat the engine of your motorcycle can shorten its useful life, or it can cause that this engine never reach its full capacity, so do not miss this detail.

If you follow these instructions, you will have a motorcycle at its best, and you will be prolonging its life. In general rules:

– Let the engine oil circulate before driving. Warm up the engine for a minute before riding, this allows you to lubricate your motorcycle before warming up and running it.

– Avoid driving at a constant speed, you need to use all gear changes. This helps each part of your motorcycle to start working without being forced.

– Do not over accelerate the engine, it is very tempting to see and hear your engine at its best, but this will force the machine and can cause spontaneous discharge work instead of continuous, in the long run, this causes your motorcycle not to react as you want to.

– Until reaching the period indicated by the manufacturer, do not accelerate more than 110 km/h. This indication is for motorcycles under 200cc. However, it is also useful for bigger bikes.

– Do not use the engine brake constantly, it is important that the engine pastes carry the full load during the break-in period; this will make it more reliable in the life of your motorcycle.

– Drive on uphill and downhill terrain, avoid going at a constant speed, to be able to make use of each system of your engine, brake system, gears and everything that your motorcycle needs to adjust.

5) Not doing the Service on time.

It is not only to put fuel on it. Sometimes you think more about attachments and accessories, before reviewing the systems and maintenance of your motorcycle in a timely manner. For this, we recommend that you carefully read your manual and follow the advice of your official technical service.

6) Not giving proper care to the motorcycle.

Apart from tuning, maintenance, periodic review and all those details. Remember that your motorcycle has to be protected from dust, rain and theft. It is important to foresee where you are going to keep it. You don’t want to have to repair paint or change components in the short term.

7) Block the wheels

This is just one of many more driving precautions; we definitely recommend that you consider a driving course to avoid unnecessary falls. However, we will tell you about it because when you do not have the developed skill it is very easy to get scared by some mishap and brake at full power with the front tire that will surely lock and give you a headache.

8) Overconfidence.

A couple of months with a motorcycle and you feel like you already know it all, but that’s not true. You are never fully prepared to ride a motorcycle, it is important to stay alert all the time. The worst mistakes are at that moment in which you stopped preventing the small details.

9) Take a curve.

The challenge to handle for a motorcycle will always be the curve. None is the same, the conditions are always different and require a skill that with all the years of driving, it is not finished perfecting. So keep enjoying each curve you take with great attention and continue feeling that adrenaline rush.

Reaching the end of this blog, if we talk about caring for your motorcycle, below we will detail five tips to take care of it indoors and outdoors during the coldest times of the year.

  • Use a motorcycle cover

This recommendation includes both, for those who have no alternative but to leave their machine outdoors or those who store it in a garage. The ideal is a breathable cover, since they weigh less, dry faster, absorb less water and have thermal capacity.

  • Products and systems to control humidity

Unfortunately, covers cannot protect 100% the motorcycle. If you leave your vehicle outside, make sure it is dry before covering it and apply a water repellent spray to keep it away from moisture. If you have a garage, it is recommended to use systems to control humidity levels in the environment. Saltpetre sticks with the wind to any part of your motorcycle, causing corrosion of the materials. In this case, it is convenient to install systems that renew the air such as air conditioners or humidifiers to condense the humidity.

  • Battery maintenance

The battery can be severely affected during winter as low temperatures increase the viscosity of the fluid inside. In that case, the motorcycles take longer to start. Sealed lead acid batteries require almost no maintenance, therefore if they do not perform well, recharging or replacing them with a new one is the best alternative to stay away from troubles. On the other hand, lead batteries with old design can cause problems; however, you only need to apply vaseline on the terminals to guarantee their correct operation.

  • Use anti-freeze cooling

In many cases, the water in the radiator freezes during a cold night. This also happens when bikers dilute the water to “save”, which is a mistake since we will have a lot of difficulties starting the engine. In this case, it is advisable to add a coolant or antifreeze to protect the engine from corrosion and avoid cavitation or foam.

  • Oil change

Oil is responsible for protecting the engine properly. However, if the motor oil is old, you need to replace it with a new one, as it does not have enough potential to protect this area compared to the new oil. It is worth mentioning that it is important to ensure that you use a good quality oil that contains the most suitable additives for maintenance in the cold season. After changing it, do not immediately force the engine and expect it to warm up progressively. Lastly, it’s important to lubricate the chain frequently, especially before hitting the road for a smoother ride.

These are just a few of the many precautions to take and tips to keep in mind. Go out! ride, and always enjoy your motorcycle responsibly.

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