Sacher Cake

Sacher Cake

Made by the Pastry Chef Sol Arceo

The Sacher Cake is a delucious recipe from Germany, let’s make it!


For the Sacher dough:

– 4 eggs

– 140 gr all-purpose flour 

– 150gr Chocolate

– 25gr of Unsweetened cocoa

– 200gr Butter

– 200gr Sugar

1. Melt the butter and the chocolate over a double boiler or using the microwave by intervals of 30 seconds.   

2. Add the yolks and the sugar, mix well. Integrate the flour and the cocoa. Beat the whites until they reach full volume, add to the previous preparation and fold in.   

3. Place in a mold of 20x20cm prepared with vegetable oil and baking paper at the base.   

4. Cook in a preheated oven at 160 ° C until the dough is firm and smooth. Let cool down before removing from the mold and slicing.

For the ending:

– 250gr Damask or Peach Jam

– 100gr Cream- 100gr Dark chocolate

– 25gr Butter

1. Cut the sponge cake in two pieces.

2. Heat the jam, pour 100gr in each layer of cake and stick them together. Cover the external part of the cake with the remaining hot jam. Put the cake in the freezer for 1 hour, so she absorbs the jam.

3. Meanwhile, make a ganache with the butter, chocolate and cream. Once ready, cover the cake.

4. Cool down in the refrigerator for a perfect cut.

5. Enjoy it! 

SOL ARCEO had study Professional Bakery & Pastry at the Gato Dumas School, she work as Tutor of Pastry and providing delicious cakes & chocolates for special events. Specialized in cake decorations, avant-garde chocolaterie, french pastry and nutrition. Follow Sol at Instagram and Facebook

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