

Made by the Pastry Chef Sol Arceo

Surely you already know this dessert created in Italy, we share the recipe so you can make it at home.


Vanilla sponge cake:

– 2 Eggs

– 90gr Sugar

– 20gr Neutral oil

– 120gr All purposes flour

– 5 gr Baking powder

– 50gr Milk

– Vanilla essence

Mascarpone cream:

– 250gr Milk cream

– 250gr Mascarpone cheese

– 100gr Sugar

– 6gr Unflavored gelatin

– 40gr Cold water


– 20gr Instant coffee

– 200gr Hot water

– Bitter cocoa to sprinkle

– Optional: coffee liqueur


  1. For the vanilla sponge cake, beat the eggs with the vanilla essence and the sugar until you have a foamy preparation.
  2. Add the flour and the baking powder, alternating with the oil and the milk. Mix with enveloping movements until you have a homogeneous mixture without lumps.
  3. Place in a 20cm mold prepared with vegetable spray and cook in a preheated medium oven at 160 ° C until firm.
  4. Dissolve the instant coffee in the hot water. Optional, add the coffee liqueur.
  5. For the mascarpone cream, hydrate the unflavored gelatin by sprinkling it over the cold water. Let it rest for 5 minutes.
  6. Beat the cream with the sugar until a semi-beaten point, add the mascarpone cheese with a spatula.
  7. Heat the gelatin for 15 seconds in the microwave or in a double boiler until liquid and clear. Add 2 tablespoons of the mascarpone cream to homogenize densities. Add to the cream and reserve.
  8. Place a layer of sponge cake in the same baking tin. Moisten abundantly with coffee and place half of the mascarpone cream.
  9. Place the remaining sponge cake dough, moisten again and finish with the mascarpone cream.
  10. Refrigerate 12 hours to be able to unmold and finish with sprinkled bitter cocoa.
  11. Enjoy it!

SOL ARCEO studied professional Bakery and Pastry at the Gato Dumas School, works as a Pastry teacher and provides delicious cakes & amp; chocolates at special events. She specializes in cake decorating, avant-garde chocolate, French pastry and nutrition. Follow Sol on Instagram and Facebook.

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