Sacher Cake

Made by the Pastry Chef Sol Arceo The Sacher Cake is a delucious recipe from Germany, let's make it! INGREDIENTS For the Sacher dough: - 4 eggs - 140 gr all-purpose flour  - 150gr Chocolate - 25gr of Unsweetened cocoa - 200gr Butter - 200gr SugarPROCESS    1. Melt the butter and the chocolate over a double boiler or using the microwave by intervals of 30 seconds.    2. Add the yolks and the sugar, mix well. Integrate the flour and the cocoa. Beat the whites until they reach full volume, add to the previous preparation and fold in.    3. Place in a mold of 20x20cm prepared with vegetable oil and baking paper at the base.    4. Cook in a preheated oven at 160 ° C until the…

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Banana pudding with Caramel & Peanuts

Made by the Pastry Chef Sol Arceo INGREDIENTS- 2 eggs- 120gr of peeled bananas- 120gr sugar- 50gr neutral oil (coconut, corn or canola)- 140gr flour 0000- 5 gr baking powder- Vanilla essence- Optional: 1 pinch of cinnamon- Garnish: caramel, peanuts & dark chocolatePROCESS1. Make a purée with the bananas, the vanilla essence and the oil. Add the sugar, the eggs and mix well.2. Sieve and add the flour, the baking powder and the cinnamon. Beat until you have a homogeneous mixture without lumps.3. Prepare the mold with vegetable spray. 4. Fill the mold with the preparation and cook in a preheated oven at 160 °C until the pudding is firm.5. Let it cool down inside the mold, fill with caramel and spread some caramel over the surface. Stick the roasted…

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Frozen Mojito

The Frozen Mojito is a typical drink of Cuba, but it's also part of the culture of all the Caribbean countries, and you can find it all over the world. It's a very easy to make drink, tasty and refreshing.  RECIPE OF FROZEN MOJITO  - 2 Measures of rum  - 1 Measure of lemon or lime  - 2 Tablespoons of sugar  - 6 Leaves of mint  - Double the volume with ice  - Use a blender to mix it  - Garnish with mint  - Enjoy it!  To make the classic version of the cocktail, you need to muddle the mint leaves with the sugar, then you add the rum, the lemon, chopped ice and ready to drink!  We send you the link of the video to see all the steps…

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Baggage check list

  • Post category:TRAVELS
  • Reading time:3 mins read

When you go on a trip it’s essential to make the correct planning of your baggage. If you forget something that you need, probably you will lose one entire day of your holidays looking for the item in a new country, if you are able to find it. Besides the medicines are very expensive in other places and the pharmacies refuse to sell the drugs unless you have a valid prescription in their country, so avoid all those inconvenient situations taking with you all needed. Even if they are not valid in other countries, we recommend taking your prescriptions with you in case you must prove to the customs what kind of pills are you taking. When you are doing your travel bag, you need to keep in mind the…

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Flight to Exuma – Bahamas

This tour has so much to offer, it's an experience that you will never forget. From Nassau you can go to Exuma in a boat, but the trip take so long and the boat sails in open sea so you probably feel seek and arrive later to the attractions. If you take the alternative private flight will be a bit more expensive, but the views from the little airplane are stunning. You can ask the pilot if you can sit in the front if you promise not to touch the control panel, and probably he can even give you some flight tips if you like to take control of the airplane for a couple of seconds. The Exuma experience starts with the amazing airplane views, then jumping in a speed…

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Desert Safari – Dubai

Your trip to Dubai is not complete without a Desert Safari. The operators usually pick up you from the hotel and take you to the desert in 4x4 Land Rover vehicles. It's a very exiting experience because the way is steep and uneven. The excursion includes normally riding a camel, eating Arabian food specialities, a belly dance show and a trained falcon show. You can take nice pictures with the camels, the falcon and the sunset over the dunes. As in all Muslim countries, the alcohol consumption is not allowed, but in some tourism companies is offered like an option to the tourists. If you want to drink beer or wine, make sure to book with "Arabian Adventures" that have special alcohol packages. We share with you the list of…

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Keys of happiness
Honey Moon Island, Cook Islands

Keys of happiness

  • Post category:WELLNESS
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Halbert L. Dunn is an American statistician who is considered the father of the Wellness Movement. In addition to the proper functioning of the body, wellness involves the mind, the emotions and the ability to opt for various ways of self-realization. We can learn how to balance our physical, mental and spiritual spheres to be more happy. Am I happy? I feel myself fulfilled? If life give me a second chance, what would I change? Montse Hidalgo is an expert in Neuroscience, Emotional Intelligence, Coaching and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and propose us to ask ourselves this questions. One of the keys of happiness is the emotional intelligence, out ability to recognize emotions and manage them to achieve what we want. We should accept the things that we cannot change and…

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Honey Moon Island & One Foot Island

Honey Moon Island. Paradise does exist! If you have the opportunity to visit Aitutaki, (Cook Islands) you shouldn't miss the excursion to Honey Moon Island and One Foot Island. You can see the following video with some epic images of the tour. Here we share a list with the main tour operators that offers different lunch & beverage options. You can also bring your own beers or favorite drinks! Convict fishes Giant trevally Giant clams Convict fishes Beautiful giant clams Giant clams Trevally

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Caipirinha & Passion Fruit Caipirinha

Caipirinha is the national drink of Brazil with the spirit of his unique identity. The cachaça is produced through the fermentation of the sugar cane. RECIPE: - Cut 2 limes in little pieces removing the white center, the seeds and the ends. - Muddle the limes with 3/4 tablespoons of icing sugar. - Fill your glass with chopped ice. - One shot of cachaça (2oz). - Stir (if you have a shaker you can use it). - Garnish with lime or mint. You can put some lime zest on the top also. - If you like, you can add one passion fruit to make it even better. - Enjoy it! The process of muddling the limes with sugar allow the peel to release its oil and flavors to make this…

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Frozen Margarita

If you have never tried it yet, you are going to love this Mexican drink. The Margarita is definitely the most representative cocktail of Mexico. Probably when you learn how to make it at home and know the taste of a good Margarita, you can only order one in the best bars. RECIPE: - 50% Tequila. - 20% Cointreaux or Triple Sec. - 30% Lemon juice. - 3 Tablespoons of sugar. - For the standard Margarita, you must shake it with Ice in a mixer. For the frozen Margarita, you must double the volume of the liquid with ice. - Moisture the border of the glass with lemon and put up it in a dish with salt or sugar to decorate. - Enjoy it! The tequila is made by fermenting…

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Dragon Sour

This is a new creation inspired in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, a beautiful island in the Pacific Ocean. RECIPE: - 2 measures of Coconut Rum. - 1/2 Dragon fruit. - 2 Tablespoons of sugar. - 1 and a half measure of lime or lemon. - Ice. - Use a blender to mix it - Garnish with Dragon Fruit. - Enjoy! You can make the recipe with a purple flesh Dragon Fruit to have a more colorful cocktail result.

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Batida de Coco

In Portuguese batida de coco means coconut shake. This is a very tasty cocktail and so easy to make. RECIPE: - 2 Measures of cachaça - 2 Measures of coconut milk - 1 Measure of condensed milk - 1 Measure of lime juice - Double the volume with ice - Use a shaker or a blender to mix it - Garnish with lime. You can use some coconut zest on the top of the glass also for decoration (paste it with lime) - Enjoy it!

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FALAFEL -Chickpeas Burgers-

This vegetarian recipe from the Middle East is so tasty and easy that you can make it at home. Soak 500 grams of dry chickpeas in a big container with water 24 hours outside the refrigerator (don’t use can chickpeas). They will double the size.Drain the water of the chickpeas and process them with 1 cup of water, 2 onions previously cut, 10 garlic cloves previously cut, 1 tablespoon of baking powder and salt.  Add the spices that you like: pepper, fresh parsley, cilantro, coriander, dill, a bit of cumin and cayenne pepper. You can also add toasted sesame seeds.If you keep the paste in the refrigerator for 1 hour before making the falafels, it will be easier because it sets better. Make the little burgers, balls or the shape you prefer.Fry them with hot olive oil both sides.…

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